Affection 애정
Gouache, Acrylic on canvas
⠀⠀50 × 50
⠀⠀Small entrance 작은 문
Gouache, acrylic, oil on canvas
⠀⠀133 × 133
⠀⠀Two-pronged body 두 갈래의 몸
Gouache, acrylic, oil on canvas
⠀⠀133 × 133
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the figures of question
⠀⠀Gravity effect
⠀⠀Self-portrait 자화상
Gouache, acrylic, oil on canvas
⠀⠀133 × 133
⠀⠀Joyful moments 즐거운 시간들
Gouache, acrylic, oil on canvas
⠀⠀133 × 133
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the figures of question
⠀⠀Gravity effect
⠀⠀Unreachable hill 갈 수 없는 언덕
Gouache, acrylic, oil on canvas
⠀⠀133 × 133